Useful tips...Part1

How to save credentials in Git?

When we pull or push in repository using git bash or command line it asks us for user name & password every time.This seems very irritating to input it every time. To avoid this we can save our credentials in Git using below steps.

1: Give  below command
$ git config credential.helper store
2:Now use command git pull
3: You will see that Git will ask you for entering user name & password. Provide username & password. Same user name & password will be saved inside git.
4: Again try git pull & you will notice that it will not prompt you for user name & password. It will use the credentials which we have saved in step 3.
5: Git stores credentials in text file named .git-credentials inside C:\Users\your-window-user

How to rebuild client Libraries in AEM?

In some scenarios when we have problem while building the client libraries,we may need to rebuild our client libraries manually.
One such scenario is that your client library is using .less files & less files are not compiling correctly then you will see some error in console.

To rebuild our client libraries we can use the dumplibs tool in AEM.


Useful Link for generating Cron expressions while working on schedulers in AEM.

While working on schedulers in AEM We have to provide Cron expression in our code. Cron expression tells the scheduler when to execetute the code written in scheduler class.

Below link may be useful for you to a cron expression.

Free Fake SMTP Server for testing emails functionality in local system.

There is a free application named as FakeSMTP which can be used for testing emails in applications easily. It is written in Java.
Configure your application to use "localhost" as your SMTP server, and all emails will be intercepted and displayed in this software.


Below is the download link.


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